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Rev Stanley Ushe


Rev Stanley Ushe was born and raised in Zimbabwe. Born again in 1984 at an Easter Camp, he has served in the local church in many capacities such as youth leader, NDI president, NMI president and church secretary. Called to full-time ministry in 1987, Rev Ushe attended Swaziland Nazarene Bible College and Zimbabwe Nazarene Bible College. He also had the opportunity to further his studies with other institutions in recent years. Rev Ushe was ordained as an elder in 1994 and pastored two churches. Rev Ushe was the District Superintendent of the RSA Kwa-Zulu Natal District for 19 years, and he is currently serving as the Field Strategy Coordinator for the Africa East Field.

Rev Ushe is married to Rev Grace Ushe, and they have two children. They also have a daughter-in-law and two beautiful granddaughters.

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